co-design lab

Through our co-design lab we harnesses the knowledge and creativity of individuals in identifying problems to enable the generation and implementation of solutions that uncover the real barriers to accelerants of progress. Through this we develop interventions that are more responsive to their need.


The co-design lab provides a neutral space to safely experiment with new ideas and ways of working. We help people to learn by experiencing user centred tools and processes that they can apply to other projects.

Our key aim is to work with partners to apply co-design principles and a systems lens to complex social issues. Important aspects of our approach include adopting a strengths based mindset, building new capabilities and creating reciprocal relationships with the people we work with.

Our work on four main areas:

  • Developing and delivering co-design projects

  • Growing co-design capability through workshops and coaching

  • Providing advice about co-design practice and the conditions for success

  • Sharing our learning about public sector labs and innovation teams